Links: Follow Me!

Cute corgi, tortilla thief, dogs and owners grow up, and pittie saves neighbor, in today’s links.

And finally: Missed it by That Much

Starting to wonder how this species managed to evolve, Arne.

MRW a girl drops a hint that she’s into me.

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Atsa Lotta Axolotl

Get to know this cute endangered “water monster”

The salamander known as the axolotl is cute, in a quirky-alien-from-space sort of way. It has an innocent smile, an adorable yawn, and a “crown” of odd protrusions on its head. It can also regrow lost limbs and vacuums up its food, which is more freaky than cute. Sadly, the axolotl is critically endangered in the wild due to habitat loss. Reader Holly H. shares this Dodo compilation of axol-oddness.


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