Fishy Fun

Remember Big Mouth Billy Bass? Here are three generations of dachshund doing what we’ve all felt like doing to it.

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Bengal Bedroom Brawl

In the eyestrain-inducing spaces of nature’s unforgiving realm, the battle for supremacy is harsh and tragic. Here, a mother bengal cat encounters two cubs not her own. Fearing a threat to her dominance, she attacks the younglings. (We present this brutal moment in its entirety and with suitably dramatic musical accompaniment. Viewer discretion advised.)

I can’t watch, Andrew Y.

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Two Tired, One Wired

LouLou and Coco are great friends with Mimi the Bengal cat, but their sleep schedules don’t always line up. While the two doxies just want to nap, Mimi seems to want, well, something. Eventually she finds it.

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Could Be Meat, Could Be Cake

LouLou and Coco the mini doxies are getting a treat from Mom, but putting it together won’t be a cakewalk. In the end it’s a hit, but it’s Mimi the cat who wants to be the girl with the most cake.

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