Cats on a Strange Planet

Cartoonist discovers a world where cats make sense

Cartoonist Nathan W. Pyle has created what may be the most irresistible concept in a decade: Strange Planet, in which alien beings explore a world of trivial human experiences with childlike wonder. Although Pyle’s characters experience everything from sports to scented candles, they are especially fond of cats.

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The Crate Escape

Tiny kitten rescues big dog in Disney-Pixar’s Kitbull

When a wide-eyed street kitten meets a pit bull with bad owners, the pair hatch a rescue plan that sweeps them from the mean streets into a happy home in Kitbull, a charming short film from SparkShorts, a new series from Disney-Pixar artists. (Content note: Despite the happy ending, the film depicts effects of animal abuse.)

Submitted by Skimpy and Andrew Y.

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Simon’s Cat’s Valentine’s Days

Simon and his cat have one thing in common: They’re both unlucky in love, a fact that wreaks havoc in their lives every Valentine’s Day. Courtesy of sender-inner Lois M., here’s a candy sampler box of their romantic misadventures.

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Solving a Prickly Problem

As we splurge on gifts this holiday season, consider that the best gift of all costs only peanuts. That’s the message of this heartwarming cartoon from Erste Banking Group reminding us that no matter how different from us, every stranger needs the gift of love, even if they’re a bit of a pr… oblem to deal with. (via Andrew Y.)

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