Links: A-Five, Six, Seven, Eight!

Dancing cockatoo, rare hermaphrodite kitten, Grandpa gets a puppy, and a police car you’ll want to be thrown into.

And finally: You Have the Right to Remain Adorable!

Never wanted to be arrested so much in my life, AJ.

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Links: I’m the Purroblem, It’s Me

Cat gets a Swift costume change, dogs and UPS drivers, mouser cat just wants to cuddle, and a daring wombat rescue.

And finally: Daring Wombat Rescue

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Links: Shake Ya Tail Feather!

Birds and their dances, elephants have names, museum cat, friendly piglet, and more.

And finally: Puppy Roll

Andrew Y. shares a corgi who tucks itself in.

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I’m From Tech Support

I dunno what to tell you. I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in, jiggling the cables, hissing at the power supply, whapping the USB ports, but no matter what I do, I can’t seem to wreck your computer so you’ll play with me more.

He can tangle my cables any day, Andrew Y.

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