Links: Real Bears Wear Fake Fur?

Zoo denies fake bear claim, kitten gets life-saving surgery, cockatoo learns to read, and dog plays soccer.

And finally: Life Goal

Pupper done nothing wrong, put pupper back!
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Links: Board Meeting

Baby seal joins surfers, cockatoo has evil laugh, sassy rescue fox, frustrated chipmunk, and more.

And finally: It’s Driving Me Nuts!

Arne brings us a chipmunk who shares our frustration with plastic packaging.

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Links: Maybe a Little TOO Relatable

Relatable cat memes, possum pal, senior pittie gets a home, happy cockatoo, and more.

And finally: And Just What Are You Laughing At?

Arne brings us a genius encountering some sort of force field.

Oh shut up!
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Links: Big Boop Meets Little Boop

Great Dane cares for puppies, cockatoo in the will, adopted pets, and the Kitten Lady gets hitched.

And finally: Calico Bouquet

YouTube’s popular Kitten Lady married her cat-loving fiance in an outdoor ceremony that included a surprise for the groom. Readers A9 and Karen F. shared this video and article in the New York Times (paywall).

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