Muffin Ventured, Muffin Gained

The Hamster Gang could barely believe their luck. They had stumbled onto the mother lode, an empty building stocked to the rafters with delightful, delicious delicacies. Vats of milk and honey, barrels full of sugar, and sweet fresh berries of every kind. The greedy gluttons ate until they could barely move.

That’s when they heard the morning whistle, and saw an army of white-clad bakers file in through the door. “Humans!” yelled Bertie. “We’ve got to get out of here fast!” Still heavy with food, the gang hobbled to the hole in the wall as quickly as they could.

“That was too close!” panted Dibby when they were safely outside. “Better take a head count — Bertie, you’re here. Effie? Check. Mimsy, Dickie, Betty? There you are. Hammy?


(How did I wake up at Denny’s?)

Hammy comes with eggs now, Sharon H.

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Links: Mother of the Year

And finally: Mealtime Twerkout

It’s the ultimate workout! Dance while you eat and burn off the calories as fast as they come in! It’s brilliant, Murray C.!

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Links: This Is Your Captain Squealing

And finally: Don Meow Our Gay Apparel

Oh sure, this sort of thing is annoying when it’s happening on your back fence at three in the morning. But put those kitties in some human suits and white robes, and… it’s still annoying and now it’s weird too. From sender-inner Cheryl S., here are members of Les Petits Chanteurs a la Croix de Bois. Take it away, Don Piano!

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Rejected James Bond Villians

From his secret underground layer on the island of Vidalia, the evil supervillian Tiers von Downmycheeks threatened to cover the world with his eye-stinging gas. Protected by rings of secrecy, he was an enigma, shrouded in mystery, wrapped in a riddle, covered in that thin papery stuff that always sticks to everything. He was to appear in “For Your Watery Eyes Only,” but alas, his character was cut.

“No, Mister Bond, I expect you to CRY!”

Via Imgur.

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