Jeepers Peepers!

Reader puts on amazing Peeps show

And now a very special Easter treat, courtesy of reader Jules, who writes: “Every Easter I make a totally bananas secret Marshmallow Peeps diorama and send pictures to my friends Easter morning.” Here’s a grab-basket of her brilliant work, and you can see it all in Jules’ Flickr album.

The Peeps

In Alfred Hitchpeep’s classic tale of horror and suspense, flocks of flying purple Peeps become people eaters. Just a word of warning: That white stuff that landed on your shirt isn’t marshmallow.

Happy Easter -- Beware The Peeps!!!!!

Moonage Peepdream

Scary Monsters and Super Peeps

Glam rock legend David Bowpeep took on many personas in his storied career, including Ziggy Starpeep, The Peep Who Fell to Earth, and the Thin White Peep.

I'm Peepy, Hope You're Peepy Too
Peepy Stardust
Tokyo Peep


You’re gonna need a bigger Easter basket

In the classic and somehow oddly familiar story of Peeps, an unseen killer picks off swimmers while civic leaders minimize the threat and urge people to continue crowding onto beaches. Good thing that could never happen in real life, right?

Duuun dun duuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun doo dedoo doo dedoo dede doo dede doo dededo
You're going to need a bigger boat.

Thank You, Kalamazoo!!  Good Night!!

Detroit Peep City

It’s those head-banging heavy-metal harlequins, PEEPS, who wanna rock and roll all night and party every day because they’re too dosed with sugar to get to sleep.

Come Spend Easter With Us, Danny...

Come and Peep with us, Danny…

For ever and ever and ever…

Forever And Ever And Ever And Ever...

An Easter you can’t refuse

And last but not least, it’s the classic tale of crime boss Don Vito Peepleone. Pledge him your loyalty or you may sleep with the Swedish Fishes.

I'm gonna make you an Easter that you can't refuse!  Don't ever take sides with anyone against la mia familia!
Don Peepleone, I pledge my never ending loyalty.
It's a Sicilian message... Luca Brasi peeps with the fishes.
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Links: Cute Food Edition

Forget the diet — let’s have cute cakes, cookies and lattes!

And finally: Play With Your Food

Time to play Tic-Tac-Dog! (via Andrew Y.)

Quarantine week 2

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Links: N-nice P-puppy…

Pup rescues bear cub, bees repossess honey, holy cats, and basketball birds, in today’s links.

And finally: Birdieball

Found on Facebook by Andrew Y.

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Links: We Will (Gently) Rock You

Koala meets Queen, dog sets tennis ball record, and does a bear dance in the woods? Plus more

And finally: You Could Pitch In and Help, Y’know

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