It’s Toy Time!

LouLou and Coco the mini dachshunds have so many toys, but which one is their favorite? To find out, all the toys were laid out in a row, and their favorite turned out to be (drum roll) all of them.

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Links: Look What I Bagged on Safari!

Lions steal handbag, wobbly baby elephant, stray kitten finds a home, and reversing dachshund.

And finally: Always Have a Backup Plan

Aren’t they supposed to beep when they do that, Murray C.?

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The Dinosaur Hunter

This distinguished sportsman is named Teddy, and in this video found by reader Murray C., Teddy likes to hunt dinosaurs. Well, one specific dinosaur, but a wily creature nonetheless who delights in finding new places to hide in Teddy’s backyard. But with dogged determination, Teddy locates the elusive lizard time and again.

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Sniffin’, Chompin’ and Zoomin’

LouLou and Coco the mini dachshunds are tearing up the countryside today. With all the grass to be sniffed and sticks to be chewed, they’re running back and forth to get it all done!

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