This Just In: Puppy Dreams!

Hope you’re not tired of looking at Coco the mini dachshund and her puppies, because they’re back — and they’re dreaming! The pups are dreaming of meelks, and Coco is dreaming about calling a babysitter and hitting the clubs.

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Mini Doxie Puppy Nosies!

Coco the mini dachshund just gave birth to three adorable puppies, which makes her mother LouLou a proud grandma. Just two days old, the pups have the squeakiest, most boobable snoots. Speakers up!

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Two Tired, One Wired

LouLou and Coco are great friends with Mimi the Bengal cat, but their sleep schedules don’t always line up. While the two doxies just want to nap, Mimi seems to want, well, something. Eventually she finds it.

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Could Be Meat, Could Be Cake

LouLou and Coco the mini doxies are getting a treat from Mom, but putting it together won’t be a cakewalk. In the end it’s a hit, but it’s Mimi the cat who wants to be the girl with the most cake.

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