And Just Where is My Calzone?

I distinctly remember placing a half-finished “Big Bad n’ Bold Barbecue Bacon” calzone that I bought yesterday from the Gas ‘n Gulp on the corner, and I’ve been looking all over this fridge for it, and that bad boy’s gone, and since you’re the only other one in the house, I’d appreciate some answers, Becky!

cat in refrigerator
I *will* be taking this pizza as compensation. (Reddit)

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Resting Grump Face

I’m really a happy cat, it’s just that I was cursed with this angry expression, and it makes me look unapproachable. And so people tend to avoid me, they don’t make eye contact or ask me how I’m doing. Is that so much to ask? A little “hey, how’s it going” once and a while? I mean, am I radioactive or something? It’s enough to make one grumpy.

cat with angry expression
But that’s not who I am, really. (Reddit)

The classic self-fulfilling prophecy, Andrew Y.

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