A Boy and His Duck

When a toddler meets a waddler, the two become friends for life. Tyler (the boy) and Beaker (the duck) got together when Tyler was young, and today they play together, bathe together, and just get along swimmingly. You can follow their adventures together on their Instagram page. (via Murray C.)


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Meanwhile, at the Duck Pond…

“Hey, don’t whine to me about cat food, pal. You got it easy compared to me. Every weekend, they come down here with their little picnic baskets full of salads and fruit, and what do they throw me? Bread. And you know it’s been in their fridge for a month, and I’m supposed to light up and act all grateful? Please.”

cat and duck
I’m just saying, it could be worse. (Imgur)
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Links: Like Duck? What Luck

Ducks for days, dog comforts kitten, mantis has a home, and fish wants pets, in today’s links.

And finally: Is That a Dogfish?

Whatever it is, it wants pet-pets. (via Donna and Andrew Y.)


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Links: Chicken Outlaw

Chicken shaming, dogs at the vet, red panda triple threat, office cats, and more.

And finally: Get Down Off the Duck

Nothing like a down pillow.

via Andrew Y.

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