Looking for a relaxing spa experience that’s out of the ordinary? Then treat yourself to a visit to Cattail Spa. Experience deep relaxation with our unique tail technique. Located in the Cutetropolis Mini Mall next to Buddy’s Burrito Barn.

Soothingly submitted by Andrew Y.
This is my life.
OK I love my cats but I don’t think I would want their behind so close to my face.
May I tell a funny story as a distraction from today’s events?
My mom once went boating with a family friend on a lake in Minnesota. My mom cut a bunch of cattails to take home with her to Iowa. They got caught by the DNR, and were grilled about their illegal harvesting of cattails. Ultimately, the DNR officer “didn’t have his code book” with him, so he let my mom off with a warning.
Fast forward to her friend’s death. My mom couldn’t attend the funeral, so she called a local florist shop and asked if they could deliver a bouquet of cattails to the service. Well, the nice lady wasn’t a native speaker of English, and although she assured my mom that she knew what “cattails” were, what was delivered to the funeral left the family puzzling.
They had put together a bouquet of regular funeral flowers, but had interspersed them with LAMINATED PHOTOS OF CATS’ TAILS! We laugh about this “lost in translation” to this day, and hope our friend in heaven understood that it’s the thought that counts!
What a great story!
What a great story, thank you for sharing it with us.
Fabulous story – thanks for sharing it with us!
That is perfect. Or in this case, purrfect. Thank you!
I was expecting a deep tissue massage from the kittys. I’d be a little wary of this sleep mask (plus never have an animal’s rear so close to your nose, ya never know what they had for lunch, lol).
I don’t think I want fur in my eyes…
I understand the urge to lay down with a cloth/pad over my eyes though. Maybe with some calming instrumental music playing..
Purring from the other end would workโฆ
I’m so glad you specified “the other end”. As Mike suggests in the hovertext, that bean burrito may soon make its presence known!