Links: April’s Baby Gets a Name

And finally: “Vet”? Sorry, I Meant “Park”

Yeah, that’s right, we’re going to the park. The park with the doctors and the tongue depressors and the cold metal tables. That park. (via Paul P.)

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Links: You No-Good, Two-Timing…

And finally: Fetch!

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Wee-eelp, Time to Vacuum the Duck

More videos of this duck on YouTube.

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Mallard Makeover

“Zelda, hello! I haven’t seen you since you and Drake flew south for the winter. And I hear that you just had ducklings, your first! Congratulations! Let me tell you, kids are a treasure, but they do the craziest things sometimes. Like the other day, I came home to the pond, and discovered that my youngest, Stacey, had gotten into my makeup kit. I was laughing so hard I could barely take this picture. Isn’t she adorable?”

And it doesn’t wash off in water because we’re ducks.

This is a Mandarin Duckling, via Imgur.

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