Fiona Update: 250 Pounds!

Baby hippo Fiona has reached the 250-pound mark, still a fraction of the 3,200 pounds her mother Bibi weighs, according to the Cincinnati Zoo. Of course, scarfing all of that formula and hay is easy when you’ve got a mouth like this:

More, please!

And that mouth needs constant exercise if Fiona is to grow up strong, so her care team plays games to keep her chomping and moving:

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Fiona Meets the Fish People

It looks like the Cincinnati Zoo is preparing to move Fiona the hippo to even deeper waters, where scuba divers will swim with her to keep her safe during her initial swims in the big pool. Trouble is, those scuba suits look scary to a baby hippo, so divers swam with her recently to help her get used to them.

Tanks as always to Lois M.

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Fiona Update: Sweet Tooth

Get ready to open wide and say “d’aww” as Fiona the preemie hippo gets a dental checkup. Although the tusks of a hippo tend to get the most attention, young hippos have thirty two milk teeth, and an adult commonly has thirty six teeth. (Thanks as always to Lois M.)

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Fiona Update: Hgurlgh Frmb Murgth

Fiona the pruugm hrrgh htruurgh ur glrrugh flggth now five feet deep and slrrth murrl ig gnurfle snrr glorrth yrble han sleep underwater for up to blurbble hthurr muph glurrrthle urrbly eating a cup of grain a drr rrghth yurrgh blurple hurr.

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