Links: Cry Laughing

Close up picture of a kitten with a fur pattern under its eyes that looks like smeared mascara

And finally: Time to Feed the Blanket

A cozy pig gets a snack in this video found by Andrew Y.

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Links: Blizzard of Memes

Meme showing photograph of two cat paw prints in the snow with the caption "this is the cutest nope I have ever seen."

And finally: Raccoon Snacktime

Andrew Y. found this adorable bandit waiting so politely.

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Hello, Is it Me You’re Looking For?

In the vast underwater kingdom of nature’s unforgiving realm, survival lies in the gift for disguise. And few denizens of the deep conceal themselves as well as the elusive pufferfish. Their compact bodies fit into any crevice, and their natural markings blend into Oh for Pete’s sake you’re not even trying!

Puffer fish peeks out behind aquarium sign describing how elusive the puffer fish is.
“Hello, nice laaay-deee with the camera and the taking pictures of me with the snapping and the clicking!” (Tumblr)

I still don’t see it, Andrew Y.

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Links: Crowning Achievement

Dog and butterflies, out of context cats, baby moose rescue, cute orange blob, and more.

And finally: Roomba Makes Room

Arne shares a robot vacuum removing some unsightly debris.

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