50 Delightful Animal Memes To Help You Ignore What’s Happening
Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.
Rescuing Pongo, Pearl, Bandit, Tiger and Zipper
New York Times (gift link), via AJ
Three Kittens Quickly Join Five Cats on Lap Cuddling Adventures
Love Meow, via Andrew Y.
Woman falls while walking. Guess how her corgi responded
GeoBeats / YouTube, via Skimpy
And finally: Raccoon Snacktime
Andrew Y. found this adorable bandit waiting so politely.
Racoon in his little fleece and rocking chair! Ack!
I saw the corgi video in my suggestions yesterday, didn’t click on it, and here it is! Clearly I was supposed to watch it.
I wanna be buried in kittens!
On a side note, my aunt built a snowman in Houston yesterday…
Never expected to cry over fish…
A house on the street behind us when I was a kid had a koi pond in the front yard, with a stone path from the driveway and a little stone bridge over the water, and they didn’t mind if neighborhood kids came up into the yard to watch the fish.
Oh my gosh – I was going to recommend a warning. I read the story yesterday and bawled my eyes out. Beautiful story of so many people helping each other – but grab that box of tissues first!
I love koi and I’m glad these guys got rescued. Can’t get to the link because NYT.
The soldiers manning the checkpoints have surely Seen Some Shit. I doubt fish tubs is even top ten. But it’s so nice that they helped haul those tubs to safety. I suspect it was plainly obvious how much these people love their huge goldfish.
So glad—and amazed—that the koi are saved! I had no idea they could live that long. And how they came through those difficult circumstances is just incredible💙
I like how the raccoon rubs his hands in anticipation!
Apropos “the cutest nope” … the Cat Distribution System brought me two this weekend. The CDS has terrible timing. There are kitty prints all over the porch. I can’t bring them in because of my meanies. But I did make cozy houses for them with boxes and towels. Both are black, she is very sweet and probably just past kittenhood, and he is a tuxie bruiser. Both are very hungry. Poor babies. If they are still around in a bit I will take them in to get them fixed, shots and maybe even a place in the shelter?
Tara, you are a good soul. Good luck with the new finds.
Thank you Tara for helping them out. I know most shelters are overwhelmed right now so maybe there’s a cat rescue that could take them in. Good luck!
God bless you!
Where’d they get a picture of me?
I may have worn that exact expression several times during my recent hospital stay (I was discharged this afternoon with ten boxes of tablets and instructions to return for a blood test on Friday morning). Some people need to learn that a) their grandchildren are of very little interest to strangers, and b) said strangers’ private lives are none of their business!
Glad you’re home, Alice. Hopefully a little less yellow.
Glad you’ve been released! Take your tablets like a good Shortcake, and good luck with the blood test.
Sorry the littles annoyed you. And you are certainly right about private lives. Which is a good title for a play. Hmmm …
I can sympathize. I was in the hospital in college (1984) and the woman in the same room had major family drama going on with kids and siblings, and then wanted to tell me about it when they were gone! Scared the heck out of me!
My office is at 63F right now–I could use a blanket of kittens!
It’s a dog in sheep’s clothing LOL!!
The raccoon wrinkles when chewing!
Peeps, I need help holding back. Those kittens from the snuggle pile are right up the road from me. I really really want the 2 siamese babies. Ok, the universe made the decision for me – it looks like they’re already adopted. But man that sounds so nice to be swarmed by kittens. I love the foster mom’s attitude:
“The kittens happily hog Asa’s lap for hours, so she brings in her laptop to watch shows while the little ones nap. “My hand and legs fall asleep with all these cuddle puddles, but it’s worth it.””
Now I’ve seen it all – a racoon in a fleece vest sitting in a chair eating his favorite snack. The forest artwork is just gorgeous. I’m trying to stretch my creative skills with a foray into drawing/sketching. Hope my efforts come somewhat close to hers. Animal memes are just what I need, seen some before but they’re always funny.
AJ, you’ve come to the wrong place if you want to be talked OUT of adopting kittens. Just sayin’.
The Corgi story!! I love how he kept getting people for her. (And what a horrible injury!)
Such a Good Dog!😘
I just met Waldo and now I want a corgi even more. Not going to get one, but they’ve always been my favorite breed.

I want this! How special to be so loved!