Links: Everybody Wants To Be a Cat

Animals turned into cats, geese take over deck, bear takes a dip, dog gets new ears, and more.

And finally: Ohhhh, Nothing

The wink though
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Links: It’s All Downhill

Cat loves skiing, dog brings home kitten, sick goose gets help, and a tail of terror.

And finally: Tail of Terror

Andrew Y. brings us a cat with a possessed posterior protrusion.
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Links: Friends Furrever

Deaf rabbit meets blind dog, unusual commuter, Godzilla vs. Kong, and a pet goose.

And finally: So Do We Call It a Crossfly Now?

Tara O. brings us something you don’t see every day.

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Links: Imperfectly Perfect

Three inspirational tales of animals overcoming physical challenges. Also, there’s a bear at the door.

And finally: Hey Neighbor!

Arne shares a friendly bear.

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