Be Quill My Heart!

Hedgehog blossoms from blob to blessing

A woman in Texas had plenty of experience caring for rescued animals, but when a friend brought her a sickly baby hedgehog, even she wasn’t sure how to take care of it. So she searched the Internet for a crash course in hedgehog care, and soon she helped the little pink blob grow into a healthy hedgie she named Wilbur and made a part of her animal family. (via Alice Shortcake)

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Links: Yoo Gibs Treets Nao!

Cat wants treats NOW, hedgehog bowling, earless bunny, and here’s your puppucino!

And finally: Here’s Your To-Go Order

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Hedgehog Ninja Warrior!

Tonight! While the human warriors are on lockdown, the hedgehogs are on point! Watch as Pepper makes her way across the living room obstacle course! She may have the quills, but does she have the skills to become the next… Hedgehog Ninja Warrior?

via Allein S. (Note: Hedgehogs are legal to keep as pets in most US states but not all. Check this page if you’re curious about your state.)

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