Links: Who’ll Be Top Dog?

World’s cutest rescue dogs, horses find a cat, socially awkward chihuahua, and a sleepy duckie froggy beanie.

And finally: Sleepy Duckie Froggy Beanie

“Duckie needs to see this,” insists Thérèse B.

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Links: Cute Chicks

Cute penguin chicks, funny cat memes, pitbull loves bunny, horse gets stuck in floor, and more.

And finally: Toy Tug

I’m betting the little dog can pull off an upset here, DC Cindy.

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Links: Laugh Your Head Off

Funny pet photo winners, baby giraffe takes first steps, mixed breed agility dog, stray cat comes indoors, and more.

And finally: *wink*

Andrew Y. shares a pup who’s got a good thing going.

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Links: Who Let the Dogs Out?

Huskies hit the mall, horse in the house, kittens rescued, bird stirs tea, and more.

And finally: Stir Crazy

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