I don’t really scowl like that, do I? The artist made me look like I have Resting Disapproval Face.
Who, Me?
Why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t do anything. I was just sitting here the whole time, minding my own business. I have no idea how your curtains got torn, or about the flood in the basement, or who slashed your tires. Honestly.
Kittens, by www.metaphoricalplatypus.com, licensed under CC BY 2.0
Links: Are Ya Ready for Some Footpaw?
And finally: You Didn’t See Nothing
I Drink, Therefore I Think
(The humans call this stuff smart water, but I keep drinking it and I’m not getting any smarter. But now that I realize that, it means I am getting smarter, so maybe it’s working after all. Or maybe not. Now my head hurts.)
Buzz Hits The Bottle, by Dave Hogg, licensed under CC BY 2.0