The air around it definitely tastes like something! I’m not sure what it is, but I want in on it!

The air around it definitely tastes like something! I’m not sure what it is, but I want in on it!
Cuddle Buddies / YouTube, via Karen F.
Bored Panda, via NTMTOM
Bored Panda, via NTMTOM
A smarter-than-the-average homeowner helps a smarter-than-the-average bear, in this story found by Allein.
Oh, joy — it’s another Monday. For two glorious days out of the week, I get to cuddle up to my human while she reads and watches TV, and then on Monday she has to go to some dumb job while I sit here and wait for her. Whose idea was this, anyway?
Cole & Marmalade, via NTMTOM
YouTube, via Skimpy
Speakers UP for this video found by DC Cindy.