Links: Mama Mia!

Kittens named for pasta, Golden retrievers find lost kitten, tiniest kitten, and pit bull sounds.

And finally: Pit Sounds

Speakers UP for this video found by DC Cindy.

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Maru Tiptoes Through the Tulips

Maru and Hana dine on weeds, Kitten Miri wants you to draw her like one of your French girls, and then everyone has to wade through a hallway full of crinkly carnations. So just a normal morning, then.

It’s the start of cuddle season, and Maru and Hana graciously share a bed. Well, graciously-ish.

Graciously submitted by Andrew Y.

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Weekend Open Thread

Peeps, this is a special open thread, because we’re celebrating a birthday! Here’s reader Georgiana Y. with the news:

A very happy birthday to my sweet Minnie who just happens to be turning 18 on Caturday, October 19th. She has good days and bad days but she’s a tough little girl and we love her very much.

Close up of the face of a cat
Thanks. I love me too.
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The Art Critic

Of all the works in this museum, one above all captivated my soul. Its deceptively simplistic composition — rectangles of steel and glass revealing tightly undulating curves — spoke to our constant yearning to break free of society’s constraints and serve our true purpose. At least that’s what I thought until someone explained I’d been looking at a fire hose.

I just assumed “Break glass to open” was a metaphor. (Ecchs)

Artistically submitted by Andrew Y.

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