Brush With Terror!

One cat’s hair-raising encounter

Lulu, one of the Kittisaurus cats, is a go-getter who isn’t afraid of anything — except hairbrushes, those savage silicone fur fiends. So when it’s Lulu’s turn for a brushing, she fights tooth and nail.

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You Knead to See This

Will these kitties enjoy a foam floor?

The cats of Kittisaurus are in for a surprise today, because their mommy Claire just put some memory foam on the floor to explore. One by one, the curious cats test out the new surface and finally decide they like that sinking feeling — all except one. (via Scarybuttercupp)

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Sushi Time for Kitties!

Once again, the cats of Kittisaurus are in for a special treat: Sushi prepared by the in-house sushi chef Claire — assuming, of course, that the inquisitive and hungry Lulu doesn’t get her paws on it before it’s even sushi. (via Scarybuttercupp)

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Kitty Egg-citement!

The cats of Kittisaurus will crack you up!

Reader Scarybuttercupp shares a ridonkulously cute YouTube channel called Kittisaurus, featuring a cat mom named Claire who creates fun adventures and delicious meals for her seven lucky cats. Today Claire invites us into her impossibly clean kitchen as she whips up an egg dish her cats will love — if they don’t steal the ingredients first.

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