Links: Single Swiss Seeks Same

Rent-A-Guinea Pig Service Takes Off in Switzerland (Speigel Online, via Allein S.)

guinea pigs
Wow, YOU like leafy greens TOO?

British rail station cat raises £5000 for charity (Mashable, via Andrew Y.)

Nothing to it; just followed the straight line.

I Painted A New Species I Wish Existed – Meet The Mouserflies (Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.)

Guess there’s no point hiding the cheese crackers on the top shelf now.

Arigato for all the great links! (You too, Arne)

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Links: Speaking of Covert Octopuses

12 Animals that are definitely not octopuses (Bored Panda, via Andrew Y)


Surfers rescue trapped baby whale (The Dodo, via me)


Dog chases mouse under truck, gets head stuck, feels like schmuck (Local 10 News, via Allein S.)


Dog’s Puffy Round Haircut Is Winning Her Fans Around The World (Reshareworthy, via Murray C.)

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You Had One Job! One Job!

Just catch the mice, that’s all you had to do. But nooooo

Via Mother Nature Network.

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