We’re getting close to the end of Nosevember! But Nosevember isn’t about endings (that’s Tocktober), it’s about beginnings! And this one’s huge!

We’re getting close to the end of Nosevember! But Nosevember isn’t about endings (that’s Tocktober), it’s about beginnings! And this one’s huge!
Yes, yes — there’s some important thing going on today, but what really matters is that it’s still Nosevember, and Cutetropolis reader J has blessed us with photos of this boopable bestie! Take it away, J:
Love that it is Nosevember already — not so much that it is November, but you can’t have one without the other!* Maybe you can use these pictures of our dog Dusty this month. Self-proclaimed best nose for booping in south-western Ontario.
Dusty all tired out from a day of doing not a whole lot.
Close-up of nose, waking him up just a little (I’m certain he went back to sleep immediately after being so rudely interrupted).
Dusty doing his best “puppy dog” eyes with nose ready for booping.
The over-the-garden-gate nose (this is the view delivery people have of Dusty — he loves, loves, loves visitors because he is all watch-dog, not a bit of guard-dog, and we wouldn’t have it any other way!).
* Editor’s note: Cutetropolis is currently negotiating with the International Council for Fictitious Holidays to have Nosevember moved to a warmer month.
And as you can see, it’s a pretty big bill. So you’d better not duck out without paying it.
Nice Nosevember find from Andrew Y.
It’s the month for superlative sniffers, imposing inhalers, noteworthy nostrils, profound proboscises, stupendous snouts, brilliant boopables, and otherwise outstanding olfactory organs.
Booping accomplished, Andrew Y.