Links: Bird With a Brain

Smart parrot, tilting head dogs, baby orangutan, baby hippo birthday, and more.

And finally: Hippo Birthday, Fritz!

Has it been a year already, Andrew Y.?

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Links: Otter Madness

Otter steals surfboards, baby orangutan, stray cats of Cyprus, and how to scratch your tapir.

And finally: How to Scratch Your Tapir

Tara O. asks: “When was the last time a Tapir was featured on Cutetropolis?” Um, right now.

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Links: You Sunk My Battleship!

Sea lions play video games, artist makes felt animals, baby orangutan, elephant-copter, and more.

And finally: Dumbo II

Andrew Y. brings us a baby elephant experimenting with a helicopter method.

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Links: Real-life Judy Hopps

Bunny joins the police, mustached cat, dogs on a hike, tiny monkeys, and more.

And finally: I Meant to Do That

Alice Shortcake brings us a seal on a roll.

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