So it’s fisticuffs you want, is it? Very well, then — prepare for a sound thrashing, knave!
Lucky Baby Otter
Meet Intan, an otter who’s lucky to be alive. When his mother Pia went into labor at Taronga Zoo, the care team noticed she was having trouble. After a Caesarean section, three pups were born — but they were unresponsive. The team tried to revive them, but only little Intan made it. Now he’s big enough to join his mom and dad as they frolic together. Story, more photos at Zooborns.
Thanks to sender-inner Ricky’s Mom.
Links: Alternative Parenting
And finally: Otterly Fascinated
At a recent alternative energy exposition, Dr. Otto Otterby operated a device used to demonstrate a form of perpetual energy — namely, himself.
You Otter Watch Who You Trust
First crocodiles, and now spy cams are sneaking in on otters, watching their every move, learning their deepest secrets. It’s all part of a BBC series titled Spy in the Wild, which will be coming to American TVs in February.
Reported by secret agents Monica and Andrew Y.