Links: Without a Paddle

Sea dog rescued, shy cat learns to love, pampered pig, monkeys on the march, and more.

And finally: Monkeys on the March

Elizabeth G. brings us a traffic-stopping troop.

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Links: Lynx Likes Licks

Lynx befriends cat, doggo gets goggles, oldest living cat, magical fox, and more.

And finally: Pork Pulled

Andrew Y. brings us a pig with a two-stroke engine.

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Links: The Pig Ate My Homework

Pig eats boy’s homework, singing attracts belugas, baby monkey, helpful otter, and more.

And finally: I’m Helping!

I good boi, I halp
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Links: This Little Piggie Found a Home

Smart rescue pig, crazy cat house, shelter dog finally finds home, and a hungry quokka.

And finally: Yes We Do

Murray C. brings us a video that asks the question…

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