Holy Hopping Hamsters!

Hamster agility course is a tiny test of skill

Oh sure, the Westminster Dog Show Masters Agility is exciting to watch, what with all the running and the jumping and the scooting through tunnels. But for people without enough space to train a dog, a hamster agility course is the next best thing, particularly when you have spirited runners like Dumptruck and Porkchop. As the commentator wisely notes, “Who doesn’t love a fluffy butt-cam?”

Certainly not sender-inner Murray C.!

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A-maze-ing Hamster!

Watch these hamsters conquer a five-level maze!

Meet a pair of hamsters who love to solve puzzles, and the fiendishly clever architect who built the ultimate mega-maze to challenge them. From the drawing board into cardboard, this puzzle master constructs a five-level tower, each level concealing a different brain-busting maze. Will the first intrepid hamster make it all the way from top to bottom? And will his partner solve the same challenge in reverse, from the ground up? Press play and see!

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Why Cats Hate Mice

Another glorious day and all’s well with the world! The sun warms me with her gentle glow while the wind caresses my face, and together they beckon me into the moment, ripe with possibilities. Shall I scamper through fields of clover, their green leaves and white flowers filling my senses? Or shall I taste the sweet pure waters of a forest stream? No matter my choice, you will be with me in spirit, my fine and worthy adversary! Fare thee well!

Yeah, thanks a heap, Shakespeare.

Nobody likes a show-off, Sharon H.

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