Links: Brush with Cuteness

Pittie loves stuff, kitten wanders into home, Spider-pug, and cat asks nicely

And finally: Take the Hint, Dude

Andrew Y. shares a cat who communicates what it craves.

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Links: Tongue-Out Tuesday

Cute mini horse, chicken guards road crossing, plenty of pugs, and solar energy, plus more.

And finally: Now That’s Solar Energy!

Two solar-powered goats with bonus turkey.

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Everyday Heroes

Today we turn our attention to the unsung heroes of Toy Brigade. Sad as it may be to contemplate, somewhere there are dogs who do not have a toy to play with. When this happens, the selfless pugs of Toy Brigade spring into action, so that every pet may know the joy of a rubber bone or squeaky chicken.

Pug dog leaps from door with toy
He-e-e-ere I come to help you pla-a-a-ay! (Imgur)
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