Links: The Cat Is the Hat

Hats for cats, another spotless giraffe, doggies in the Rockies, prickly donkey, and more.

And finally: Do You Mind!?

I’m drinking here! (via Andrew Y.)

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Links: Rat Fink

Hairless mama’s rat, pittie raises kittens, interstate stowaway, and heifer gets a bottle.

And finally: Bottle Buddy

Andrew Y. brings us this fence feeding.

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Links: Punderful Pups

Punny pooches, red panda pillow, cat loves a rat, sleepy puppy, and more.

And finally: Nothing But Net

When a tired puppy finds a hammock, this is the net result. (via Andrew Y.)
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Links: Roses Are Red / Violets Are Blooming

Dog has emotional support rat, Christmas kitties, felt cats, and sneezing seals.

And finally: Gesundheit!

Cynthia D. brings the sneezing seals.

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