Do continue, I find this all so fascinating. And these — what did you call them? “carrots”? — these carrots just grow in the ground, you say? You wouldn’t happen to have one or two of them handy, would you?

This cutie can have all the carrots, Andrew Y.
I have half a purple carrot sitting on the counter from making lunch…I’m happy to share.
Strong BEF on this one.
Not familiar with BEF. Google says “British Expeditionary Force”
Beady Eye Factor
Please sir, can I have some more??? I usually don’t find pet mice/rats cute but this one is adorable!
same here
Duckie, hope you’re feeling better today.
Awww lookie at dat face , those earsies and those leetle paws. I have plenty of baby carrots for you.
This little guy is super cute and I would give him all the carrots he could eat.
Oh for Pete’s sakes – that’s my brain splorted! Thank goodness only half an hour of work left
I have julienne carrots in my fridge—very easy to hold in small paws. Come on over!