Links: Purrin’ to the Oldies

Vintage cat photos, dog gets a carecrow, raven in the family, sleepy sea lion, and more.

And finally: Gonna Need That Hand Back

… but not right now. (via Murray C.)

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Links: That’s So Raven

Raven loves man, chicken loves cow, cats love chalk, and bears love backyards.

And finally: Tetherbear

Another bear in another backyard, having a swinging time. (via Ed C.)

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Giving Cuddles… Evermore!

Loki the raven’s got a cuddle cravin’

Once upon a midnight dreary (well, it was midnight somewhere) a nice man named Eliot rescued a raven and took him home. Today, Loki the raven is so happy to see his best friend that his tail feathers start wagging and he purrs just like a… cross between a bullfrog and a chainsaw. That’s just one of the expressive sounds this chatty bird can produce, and he’ll stop making them… nevermore.

Another lovely find by Murray C.

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