Protesting kitten, baby meerkats, cow and goat besties, and freeloading seagull.

And finally: Jonathan Livingston Freeloader

Elizabeth G. shares the laziest seagull ever.

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Memo from Planetary Maintenance

Due to issues with our molecular density regulator subsystems, random objects and organisms may become heavier than normal. We are working to correct the issue. If you should experience a sensation of extreme heaviness, do not sit or lie down as this may exacerbate structural damage.

Seagulls sit on metal railing. One seagull sits on a portion of railing bent downwards.
Told you to lay off the breadcrumbs, Larry. (Reddit)
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Links: 3 bd/2 ba, w/Pest Control

Farmhouse with cats, herd defends bird, koala carjacking, and really big seagulls, plus more

And finally: Honestly, Abe!

Could you just throw the doggone thing? (via Murray C.)

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