Links: Mental Llama Dental Drama

(The system for creating Links is temporarily broken, so this post is done by hand.)

Llama escapes Maine property to avoid dental exam

UPI, via Allein

Blind Pittie Remembers Man After Months Apart

Cuddle Buddies, via Georgiana Y.

Squirrel squeaks like toy when touched

GeoBeats, via Andrew Y.

Guy Used A Drone And Remote Control Car To Feed Stray Cats

Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.

And finally: They Suspect Nothing

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Rah, Rah, Black Sheep

We haven’t had a cartoon in a while, so here’s a heartwarming find from reader A9: Lost Sheep, in which a three-legged lamb learns that every life is worth living.

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Links: Pool Party!

Bears go for a swim, pampered animal moms, Mexican palace cats, and a wombat who smells.

And finally: This Wombat Smells!

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Links: Sleepiest Monday Ever

Mama bear and cubs wake up, stranded orca saved, sheep gets an overdue shave, and it’s concrete time!

And finally: Concrete Time!

Karen F. brings us a cat who flops like a fish.

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