(The system for creating Links is temporarily broken, so this post is done by hand.)

Llama escapes Maine property to avoid dental exam
UPI, via Allein

Blind Pittie Remembers Man After Months Apart
Cuddle Buddies, via Georgiana Y.

Squirrel squeaks like toy when touched
GeoBeats, via Andrew Y.

Guy Used A Drone And Remote Control Car To Feed Stray Cats
Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.
WordPress needs to get its act together! I hate how now won’t notify us about comments! What’s up with that?
Like the sheep crowding the dog—they know their protector!
Ginny is sooo adorable. I so much want a squirrel friend, but I’ve only got the ones that come for the birdseed on the patio. I did have one that would come up to peer in the patio door when there was no food. He would then chew on the wood outside the door. He doesn’t come anymore…hope he didn’t die😢
Like how many of the cat meals are under a car where they are more dog-proof. (No offense to dogs, mind)
I hate it, too. I feel like there aren’t as many comments because people might not see if someone replied to them. I usually keep the tab open for a while and refresh it every so often to see if the comment count has changed.
When I was a kid, the squirrels would often sit on the window ledge and peer in when I practiced my cello. I always wondered what it sounded like to them.
To be fair to Mike, WordPress has changed dramatically over the years.
From their initial roots of catering to bloggers, they seem to be mostly geared towards enterprise and people selling stuff, paywall content, etc.
Some WordPress plug-ins that used to be free now require payment, and there’s a generally a lot of headaches when it comes to updates.
In short, if you just want to manage a blogging website like this and just want things to stay the same, you’re in for a hard time.
The only alternative I see are open source solutions that have a bit of a learning curve and may lack features (email comment notifications, social media sharing/updates, etc.)
Well that sucks! Thanks for info, tho👍🏼
Thank you Mike for hand crafting our daily dose of cute! <3
Blind pitty might be the sweetest pitty I've ever seen. Must save the rest for later.
Is that not what they mean by “sheepdog”?
It works for me!
Who among us hasn’t made a break for it when faced with a dentist? Jeffrey the llama is adorable.
I ran away from school in 4th grade when a dentist came to give us check ups and girls started saying he was pulling teeth. When I got home that afternoon I was expecting a spanking but the school never contacted my parents!
I can’t say I blame him. I saw the headline for that and knew I was going to send it before I even read the article. (Mike spelled my name wrong but I’ll forgive him for that. 😜)
Sorry about the misspelling, it’s fixed. (I blame autocarrot.)
It’s okay, that’s how they spelled it on my birth certificate, too. 🙃
PS – comment notification worked!
Did it now?! That’s good news! Please, everyone using the comment notification feature, report any success or failure in a comment. Thanks.
That blind Pittie is so sweet and amazing, he stole my heart. I don’t understand how he could have been return twice!
Lovely pup who found the perfect family.
Newly blind dog + Stairs = Owner Anxiety.
She handled the stairs better than I would watching her on them.
YAY!!!!!!! Comment notification is back! 💃🏻👍🏼😁