Sweet Stompin’ Skunks!

Moonshine Wildlife Rehabilitation, deep in the heart of Texas, got handed three baby skunks who weren’t anything like what they expected. For one thing, the bitty babies were almost bald, and their fur wouldn’t come in for weeks. For another, they thought the babies would make a stink, but the three were sweet as could be.

Yee-haw, Murray C.

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Pepe le Mew

Kittens adopting a skunk? Makes perfect scents

In a rustic country home, all manner of creatures live together in harmony, but it’s the cats who are in charge (at least that’s what they think, and it’s best not to argue). But even the cats have to make adjustments sometimes, such as when a litter of kittens get an extra sibling: a baby skunk!

Found on We Love Cats and Kittens by Cheryl S.

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Puppy Le Pew

This video of dog and skunk at play is heaven scent

At the home of Oreo and Friends there’s plenty of room for the animals to aroma ’round in, and so we find Boodle the skunk and Teddy the dog reeking, er, wreaking havoc in the living room in a fragrant — sorry, flagrant — display of interspecies fun. They might not be natural playmates in the wild, but these two wouldn’t have it any odor way.

via Murray C., who nose cuteness.

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Get Up Here, Ya Little Stinkers!

This mama skunk nose how dangerous the street can be, but she’s got enough scents to pull her babies up one at a time. She’ll keep her brood together, one way or the odor.

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