Sullivan’s Travails

A skittish Rottweiler puppy named Sullivan meets The Girl with the Dogs for his very first bath. He’s not a fan of the noises and water, but some treats and playtime make it all better.

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Hold My Paw, You Must

A pup named Yoda and his human show The Girl with the Dogs some long-distance dedication, and the results are worth the trip. When 2,500 miles for a shampoo and trim you travel, look this good you will not!

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Mind: Blown

Continuing with the Valentine’s Day theme, the Girl with the Dogs tells a tale as old as time, a love story between a German shepherd and the blow dryer that removes a mountain of his fur. Add a shampoo and trim, and this beast becomes a beauty.

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Goblin Grooming

A happy, high-maintenance Sphynx kitten purrs contentedly in the lap of the Girl with the Dogs, but soon it’s bath time, and we see how much gunk hides on these clean-looking cats. (via Allein)

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