Tongue Out, Brain Off

During his daily mid-afternoon grooming session, Chester suddenly remembers that he really, really likes chicken. This one thought so overwhelms him that he remains in this state for half an hour.

cat pauses while grooming itself. One leg sticks up in the air and the cat's tongue is out.
cat.exe has experienced a critical failure and will shut down.

birdwatching while grooming..., by marneejill, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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Tongue on the Run!

Today is Tongue-out Tuesday, which is an opportune moment to acknowledge a truth we often suppress: Sometimes a tongue just wants to escape for a while. It’s nothing personal, but it can get frustrating being cooped up in the same head, tasting the same food, and never experiencing the wider world. So if your tongue makes a break for it, don’t panic. It’ll be back.

close up on head of golden retriever puppy, apparently oblivious to its tongue sticking out.
But what if the cat gets it?

Chester the Puppy, by Vironevaeh, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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Links: Tongue-out Tuesday

Blepping cats, rescued dog’s first Christmas indoors, woman raises orphaned squirrels, and a dramatic snake.

And finally: Argh! Ya Got Me!

The hognose snake is Nature’s drama queen, faking a death to avoid being eaten. ThΓ©rΓ¨se B. shares a dramatic example.

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