Myron saw his moment. The human, while bringing in the groceries, had been distracted by a phone call and left the front door invitingly open. In an instant, he sprung to his feet and ran outside — or would have, if not for the invisible force field.
During his daily mid-afternoon grooming session, Chester suddenly remembers that he really, really likes chicken. This one thought so overwhelms him that he remains in this state for half an hour.
cat.exe has experienced a critical failure and will shut down.
Today is Tongue-out Tuesday, which is an opportune moment to acknowledge a truth we often suppress: Sometimes a tongue just wants to escape for a while. It’s nothing personal, but it can get frustrating being cooped up in the same head, tasting the same food, and never experiencing the wider world. So if your tongue makes a break for it, don’t panic. It’ll be back.