We’re Yours Now, Turkey

“Good afternoon. Our records indicate that you recently purchased several cans of ‘Turkey N’ Gravy’ cat food by Kitty Kuisine, batch number D-119. We are here to inform you that you are now legally our mother, and are responsible for our upbringing. We would like our first lesson in pecking and foraging this afternoon.”

cat and chicks
And teach us how to gobble, and we don’t mean THAT way! (Imgur)

I think that’s the “you are what you eat” law, John B.

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Links: Bow Wow!

Stylish shelter pets, all dogs go to church, town cat turns 10, and the world’s ugliest dog.

To help the Medford turkey with medical expenses, see this GoFundMe page.

And finally: Lunchtime, Everybody!

“Hey, wait for me!”

via Andrew Y.

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Thanks, Traffic Officer Tom!

Watch this turkey stop traffic for his friends!

Why did these turkeys cross the road? Because one very gentlemanly tom turkey stopped traffic in both directions on a snowy New Hampshire road to make it safe for an entire hen party to pass. The gracious gobbler was captured on camera by a quick-thinking motorist who realized that he wasn’t going anywhere for a while. (via Phred’s Mom)

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Here’s All the Turkey I Want

I will love her, and sniff her, and lick her, and call her “Giblet.”

Happy Thanksgiving, Lois M. (PS: I’m thankful to T. O. for the nice tip. Thank you!)

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