Links: Imperfectly Perfect

Three inspirational tales of animals overcoming physical challenges. Also, there’s a bear at the door.

And finally: Hey Neighbor!

Arne shares a friendly bear.

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11 thoughts on “Links: Imperfectly Perfect

  1. Georgiana September 8, 2022 / 9:04 am

    I’m not sure that feeding a wild bear is a very good idea.

    I’ll have to keep the rest of the links for later we are going on a small road trip to a lake with my SIL.

  2. debg September 8, 2022 / 10:00 am

    I’m with Georgiana–feeding a wild bear doesn’t seem wise. It’s awfully cute, but could lead to um, problems.

    Also saving other linkies for later. My days have just been too busy lately!

  3. Ricky & Bibi's Mom September 8, 2022 / 10:01 am

    Down-voted for idiot feeding wild bear. That’s a really stupid, dangerous thing to do, and not cute in my book.

    I do like all the other linkies. Blu is a Very Special Goose. What a sweetie! And Yakoo has a first-class hoomin looking out for him.

  4. diane in los angeles September 8, 2022 / 10:42 am

    Ditto for the bear feeding.

    Posting this as ‘cute’ only feeds the bad human behavior that gets bears KILLED as nuisance animals.

    Wild animal videos from rescues, zoos, safaris and wild-cams but not keeping them as pets or habituating the dangerous ones like this.

    They’re not harmless quokkas, and this harms the innocent BEAR.

    Deaf/blind dog story (sniffles): so sweet, needs a warning regarding dangerous effects of so much sweetness (sniff)

  5. Tara September 8, 2022 / 11:41 am

    Sadly, I’m with everyone else on the bear feeding. Cute because he has such lovely manners! Carefully eating the grapes one at a time instead of snarfing the entire bunch down at once (as I was expecting), but not safe for anyone – human or bear.

    I saw the deaf dog a little bit ago – hooman deserves major award for kindness to animals. Talk about learning from your pet and giving him what he needs. So sweet.

    Will check out the rest over the day.

  6. Luv Bunny September 8, 2022 / 11:53 am

    Unfortunately, no matter how many messages are out there about not feeding wild bears or don’t get too close to the cubs, idiots will still think they’re the exception. After all, in today’s social media world, gotta get it on camera and post it for those “likes”. Loved the story about the blind and deaf dog and the goose, who acts like its anything but a goose.

  7. ^oo^ September 8, 2022 / 12:42 pm

    I attended a bear seminar in Yosemite some time ago. Everyone who has already commented has it exactly right! But don’t stop at bears- even the chipmunks and squirrels in the park that are fed by humans can become aggressive and will have to be “eliminated”. If you love ’em, leave ’em alone. They can find their own food.

  8. AJ September 8, 2022 / 12:56 pm

    Loving all the special animals today and the humans that care for them. Blind/deaf dog picked the perfect dad. Amazing how much he can do and so smart to know all the commands too.

  9. debg September 8, 2022 / 6:18 pm

    That blind kitten stole my heart. Those love moves always get me.

    Scorpius continues to improve with the other cats and he’s obviously forgiven me for the move. We’ve been enjoying a fair amount of cuddle time when I’m in bed–I’m less dangerous when he can’t see my legs????

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom September 8, 2022 / 6:56 pm

      Makes sense to me!

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