“(I find myself at a crossroads. How best to use my formidable talent for the betterment of humanity? So many people want me to write a book about coffee tables, but is furniture really my passion? What about ottomans? I really should finish my Great American Novel. Also, I really should start my Great American Novel. Perhaps a cookbook, but is the world ready for ‘101 Cotton Candy Recipes’? I just… don’t… know…)”
Azrael y Penélope, by Julián Ortega Martínez, licensed under CC BY 2.0.
I (and I may be the only one but I don’t think so) vote for NTMTOM writing a book to go ON coffee tables containing his marvelous witticisms and thoughts.
I heartily agree!
I’m holding my breath for the bacon cotton candy recipe.
I’b hoding by dose!
I don’t know; I’ve always heard bacon makes everything better!
Me, too! Me, too!
I had a cotton candy martini once, it was delish!
Hmmm NTMTOM I think you might have some competition. Let’s see if this works:
Ooo and:
Faye, I liked the two images that worked. So meta!
It took me awhile to understand what meta meant. (Great name for a future pet) Good definition of Meta from Urban Dictionary:
When you create new layers of abstraction between the thing or event, you are becoming more meta.
For example: A footnote that is needed to explain another footnote is meta.
The problem with being meta is that if you add sufficient layers of abstraction or complexity between the original event and the convenient abstractions you create to clarify or explain it, you eventually lose all connection to the original. Generally, you need no more than two or three levels in writing.
Too much meta in your writing leads to meta fog.
In writing, this means your writing sucks.
Man, I need notes to explain the notes to my notes for my thesis!” – “That’s very meta. Perhaps you should rewrite it?
by Charles Hoffmann August 29, 2010
SO NTMTOM I think you have more to share with the world than Cotton Candy Recipes 101. Though the cotton candy dipped in crushed dark chocolate chips works! Thank you.
Can u delete the non working one and my duplicate comments, please. The book itself was a coffee table!
Thank you!
“Should I write this book?”
“Yeah, you really otto, man.”
Noice… 🙂
Kitteh finishing final chapter of “Hoomins for Dummies”