While most butterflies have evolved natural camouflage that they rely upon for survival, the OrangeĀ Striped Idiot (flittus dufus) instinctively seeks out places that make it stand out more. It has survived only because everybody feels sorry for it.
Via Imgur.
Actually, the real reason certain butterflies stand out is as a warning. As in “eat me, ya stupid bird, and you’ll be sick all day, possibly all week, maybe even permanently.” Now, many pack the toxins to back it up, while others are bluffing, but either way it’s a great turn-off.
Is this related to the all-but-extinct Derpus Flappius?
Gorgeous doggis. That must tickle, a lot.
As far as biology goes, that butterfly looks like it would taste bitter.
Cross-eyed doggie!
Love the doggies expression. “Something is happening!?! What do I do not to hurt it?”
I am also loving the “You may also enjoy:” section. It reminds me of past fun!
I’m glad you like that feature. Most of my articles see their largest audience in the few days right after they appear, and then they’re all but invisible. That’s why I’ve been adding features that create links to older content.
They really do bring an extra smile!
I’ve been wondering if you generate the choices for each or they are automatically generated? By the tags?
The “related posts” feature is generated by the WordPress system that operates my site. I think that the tags do play a large part in which posts get selected.
I really like it too – it means we’ve been around long enough to have a history – yay! And I’ve found some that I must’ve missed the first time. Lots of fun.
Oh, and I love the cross-eyed expression on that sweet dog!
Doggie is thinking “Hey! I need some help here!! Don’t just look and laugh!! And put down that thing pointed at me, can’t you see I’m in trouble?!?!?!?”
“flittus dufus” = snort. That is a classic, will have to remember it for other occasions. Oh and doggy is cute too.
Methinks we may need dictionary sooner than later.
“Flittus dufus” indeed.
That’s what made me snort!?
Coffee- spittingly funny! The English name and the Latin name ! I love the idea of a species surviving because everybody else felt sorry for it. If only!
Isn’t that Homo sapiens?
Snerk! ?
Is this related to the Vulcan Nose Pick? They are both orange. Perhaps that’s a requirement.
They’re both the same. One is manual, the other is automatic.
I can’t resist: Orange Striped Idiot. But I haven’t seen Trump wearing a striped jacket yet. Oh, he’s more of a Politicus bombasticus.
Does a striped tie count?
That’ll do it.
Looks kind of like Nachos Doritum to me. Do butterflies boop nosies?
It DOES look like a Dorito!?
Dat leetle doggie I wuv her! Wuvherkeesher!!