“This wishing well is a ripoff! No matter how many sunflower seeds I toss into this thing, nobody sends me a jetpack! Can’t you just see me tearing up the skies in one of those things? NEEEEEAAAAAARRRRMMMMM!”

“Cricket drinking my tea,” from Sharon G.
Beautiful coloring!
Can I get that blue from the tail in some curtains or something?
Yes, remarkable bird the Norwegian Blue.
Beautiful plumage!
This is a fairly familiar sight at Casa Birdcage (though my bird is bigger than Cricket here): mug with a bird butt in the air to the side. Tea seems to be a favourite with the parrots. General mug inspection is de rigueur regardless of contents. And they do seem to like the sound of their voices echoing in the depths ….. What beautiful colouring on this one! And nice healthy-looking tail feathers.
Birdcage, you’ve provided a delightful mental picture of birdies talking to themselves in mugs. I’ll be giggling all morning.
“Hellooooo? Hellooooooooo? Helloooooooooooooooo?”
That’s my Cricket!
Cricket has a beautiful butt!!!!!
I’m speechless!
Ooooh. Beautiful.
Cricket is indeed beautiful. Iam a bit surprised at the size, I thought such birdies are a lot bigger, (or this is a huuuuge mug)
Baseball geek wakes up: Pedro Borbon and Manny Mota never played on the same team. They may have played against each other, Borbon was a pitcher, Mota one of the greatest pinch hitters of all time!