Have a Peanutty Holiday!

It’s that time of year again, when shops are full of people pushing and jostling, all searching for the perfect jar of peanut butter. But when you do your shopping at Amazon.com, you can avoid the peanut butter hordes and help Cutetropolis at the same time. So whether you’ll be making peanut butter cookies, peanut butter ornaments, having a peanut butter-ball fight, or even carving the traditional holiday peanut butter badger sculpture, let Amazon.com make it easy.

TWELVE jars? Looks like the badger will be extra big this year.

Jif Reduced Fat Crunchy PB, by ShanMcG213, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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15 thoughts on “Have a Peanutty Holiday!

  1. allein ? December 8, 2016 / 3:04 pm

    But I can’t eat peanut butter…

  2. Ricky’s Mom December 8, 2016 / 3:20 pm

    I can’t stand the stuff, but the cat is beautiful. I do all my Amazon shopping via Cutetropolis to get to Amazon Smile; so there is that.

    Ricky has been overnight at the vet and is having an echocardiogram today. I’m waiting to hear the results. I know this community will be thinking supportive thoughts even if most don’t have time to write them down. This is a good place for pet parents to be. Thank you Mike, for making it so.

    • Emsthemonster December 8, 2016 / 3:32 pm

      What a gorgeous cat.

      I’ll keep my fingers crossed for Ricky, I hope everything turns out all right.

    • DebG December 8, 2016 / 4:52 pm

      Ricky and Ricky’s Mom, keeping all my household’s paws crossed for a quick and complete recovery. That’s, ummmm, four paws times seven cats, plus my two hands and feet, so lots of good wishes coming your way.

  3. Sumomermaid December 8, 2016 / 3:59 pm

    JIF – no! It’s Skippy smooth for me.
    Thinking of Ricky.

  4. Sumo-Mermaid December 8, 2016 / 9:58 pm

    I don’t want to be pushing any particular product but I just saw a TV ad for Temptations cat treats that made me laugh out loud. I checked and it is available online. If you have a chance, I highly recommend checking it out.

  5. Gigi the cat lady December 8, 2016 / 10:00 pm

    I like peanut butter, I especially like Hunan dumplings with peanut butter sauce, spicy and sweet at the same time, Yumm!

    Sending healing thoughts to Ricky for a speedy recovery ?

    • Claire December 9, 2016 / 11:10 am

      Oooh that sounds delicious! I love the use of peanuts and peanut butter in Asian and African cuisine. It seems like American food just uses peanut butter in desserts and sandwiches. The peanut has so much potential. In my house we always referred to it as truly the Food of the Gods, and George Washington Carver is certainly a saint.

  6. Elaine C Williamson December 8, 2016 / 10:55 pm

    Peanut butter ball fights?! ?

  7. Ricky’s Mom December 9, 2016 / 6:54 am

    Thanks to everyone who sent good wishes for Ricky. It turns out he has heart disease. The vets did a lot to help him in his crisis, and to make him more comfortable, and he was pretty perky by the time I got him home. I have all sorts of meds to give him, and an app to help monitor his breathing rate (there’s an app for everything!), and so our life together has swiftly acquired a new routine. I’ve seen two kitties through cancer, I guess I can see Ricky through this. It’s not the fun part of having a furchild, but when you bring a little guy home, you sign on for the duration. On we go.

    Thanks again, folks. Your kindness helped get me through yesterday.

    • Catwhisperer December 9, 2016 / 10:30 am

      Ricky is so lucky to have you!

    • Claire December 9, 2016 / 11:15 am

      Ricky’s Mom, I adopted my Dr.Acula when she was 8, and at the first vet appointment I took her to I was informed she had a heart murmur and heart disease. We had another 8 years together of twice daily medications and twice yearly echocardiograms or x-rays to monitor her condition. She threw a clot once, but recovered completely and kept going strong. Good luck to you and Ricky!

      • Ricky's Mom December 9, 2016 / 3:56 pm

        Thanks, Claire. I love Dr.Acula’s name. You two clearly made a formidable team! And bless you for not giving up right from the get-go.

        Ricky was seven when I adopted him, and he’s 14 now, with arthritis, deafness, dementia, only four teeth left (he’s very proud of those), and now the heart-disease. Until a couple of days ago he had more energy than I do most of the time, but this may slow him down.

        Thank you again. I’m glad Dr.Acula had you.

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