Links: Who’s a Good Tweet?

And finally: Disco Mix

Do your plans for New Year’s Eve involve paving? You might want to borrow this disco ball cement mixer, created by French artist Benedetto Bufalino. The truck was on display earlier this month in Lyon, France, but it’s bound to turn up somewhere tomorrow night. Submitted by Murray C. via Colossal.

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20 thoughts on “Links: Who’s a Good Tweet?

  1. allein ? December 30, 2016 / 9:02 am

    Maybe I’ll start leaving my car door open and see if any pups hop in.

  2. Julie December 30, 2016 / 9:06 am

    I love the tweet about wanting to pet every dog but not wanting to talk to the human attached to the dog. I know the name of every dog in my neighborhood but have NO IDEA what the owners’ names are.

    • allein ? December 30, 2016 / 9:08 am

      That is so me. I wanna pet all the puppies, but I don’t want to have conversations with their people.

      On my way to work this morning I passed a guy walking his little dog (a Yorkie, maybe), who was wearing a red and blue striped sweater. I wanted to pull over just to scritch his ears.

    • Gigi the cat lady December 30, 2016 / 9:31 am

      I’m the same way, I want to pet every dog I see but I hate talking to strangers!

    • Rachel December 30, 2016 / 9:57 pm

      I live in a very dog-friendly area and there are several dogs I only know from seeing them outside the grocery store on many occasions. I don’t know who their humans are, let alone remember their names, but I know the dogs.

  3. Haha December 30, 2016 / 10:54 am

    We have cement trucks that are green with light green chevrons and pink with pastel polkadots. I love seeing those. The awesomeness of the disco ball cement truck leaves me gob smacked! I can’t describe how much that tickles me and makes me giggle!

    • allein ? December 30, 2016 / 11:22 am

      There’s a concrete/masonry company in my town and the owner, whose name is Dale, used to live next door to my parents’ house (I babysat for his kids sometimes when I was in high school). I see their trucks around town a lot, and often get stuck behind them in the morning since their building is on the main road I take to work, and I call them all Dale. “C’mon, Dale, let’s move it!”

      It amuses me.

      • Haha December 30, 2016 / 2:54 pm

        My reply to many of the quirky things that seem to happen around me is, “If you can’t amuse yourself…”

        I think it is great that you call the trucks Dale. Along those lines, many moons ago when my furless babies were toddlers, we started calling all the wild bunnies we saw, George. Pretty much whenever we would go out ,”Look, there is George”, or “Hi, George”. When necessary, it would be George and his friend Georgina. We would make up stories about how George followed us around on our errands, followed us to vacation with us, and things like that. We still say, “Hi” to George to this day.

        • allein ? December 30, 2016 / 5:36 pm

          Our first cat was named George, after my dad.

          My dad’s name is not George.

          • Haha December 30, 2016 / 11:14 pm

            Of course!
            Repeatedly nods head.

            • allein ? December 30, 2016 / 11:28 pm


              My brother and I called him George when we were kids; I don’t remember why (his name is actually Gene). When the cat adopted us (over winter break during my senior year of college) I joked that we should name him after my dad, because my dad “hates cats” (uh huh) and tried to shoo him away when he started hanging out in our driveway. (We had him for 7 years.) He went by Kitty at home; only the vet called him George.

              On a side note, on Christmas I noticed a reminder card from the vet clipped to my mom’s calendar…addressed to Stars. It said it was time for her shots and she should ask her family to make an appointment. Each cat gets their own card. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Smartypants December 30, 2016 / 11:34 am

      I love it! The French had as tough a year as we did – they need some festivity. This seems like just the thing.

  4. murkle46 December 30, 2016 / 11:35 am

    I ran across an english (setter?/spaniel?) running around in circles at an out in the cornfields 30 miles from any city,at an intersection.She was trotting towards one passing car to another hoping that who ever had dumped her to abandon her would be this one then the next one and pick her up.I watched for around 15 minutes to be sure of what the situation was.
    I pulled up and the sweet girl,tail wagging,joyfully hopped politely into my car and sat on the passenger seat with a pure smile on her face!Sweetest pooch.After doing the due diligence to find an owner,I left her with the county shelter in Champaign who have a wonderful facility,and a brisk business in adoptions.She got snapped up as soon as she became eligible,
    A wonderful passenger!
    (tooting own horn-toot toot!)
    And the face on the “whos a good boy” dog is priceless!

    • Julie December 30, 2016 / 12:14 pm

      I love that the shelter kept you informed about the adoption. I also “found” a dog and had to find him a home. It was really hard leaving him at the rescue group. I bawled the entire drive back (it was almost 2 hours from my home).

      But, 3 months later, I got a call from a complete stranger who told me she had adopted the dog I left with the rescue. It really is nice to have completion. Sheldon Cooper would agree.

      • Haha December 30, 2016 / 3:02 pm

        It does not surprise me that we are all among a group of good hearted stray dog rescuers. ๐Ÿ™‚
        Good on us, one and all!

  5. birdlady26 December 30, 2016 / 12:50 pm

    A sweater on your chickens may look cute, but they actually are harmful to chickens according to my friend Megan, a state poultry inspector here in MA. Please leave your chickens al-natural so they can take a dust bath to help control the bird mites, etc. I’m sure you know a furry friend like a dog or your favorite human that would love a handmade sweater instead.

    • Laura December 30, 2016 / 6:07 pm

      I heard of this lady previously — her sweaters (jumpers) are only for chickens rescued from egg production facilities who have had all their feathers rubbed off by being in too-small cages (apparently the British term is battery hens). She noticed that they were cold in the winter. I don’t know if it would be a problem under those specific circumstances, Birdlady — perhaps you might ask your friend. I’ve seen photos of the birds sans sweaters, and their breasts are completely bare of feathers.

  6. debg December 30, 2016 / 1:11 pm

    I like to imagine Carrie Fisher smiling at all the pets in their Leia outfits. Goodbye and good riddance, 2016.

    • Faye December 30, 2016 / 2:26 pm

      Yes. Goodbye to a tough year.

    • Julie December 30, 2016 / 3:17 pm

      Me, too!

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