17 thoughts on “Happy New Purr

  1. Not That Mike The Other Mike January 3, 2017 / 12:24 pm

    Ani update: I took the advice of 6rabbits and blended up a nutrient mix of her pellet food and water. I’ve given her about five syringe-fuls and although she struggles, she is eating it. I’m going to keep force feeding her in a moment, but right now she’s resting next to me.

    • allein ? January 3, 2017 / 1:04 pm

      Well I guess it’s good she’s not trying to get away from you.

  2. fkaWaldenPond January 3, 2017 / 12:28 pm

    Ohhh fresh purring kitten, mmmmmm. Thanks Faye!

    Hey Mike, keep on keeping on as they say. I think we are all glum as it is the first day back to work and well, Ani may feel better once the pain medicine kicks in. Or is it the orange flavour (??, my vet always provided banana, as if that is better?!)

  3. DebG January 3, 2017 / 12:29 pm

    Give in to the force, Ani–your daddy does it because he loves you.

    Sweet little kitten is making me very happy right now.

  4. Duckie ? January 3, 2017 / 12:46 pm

    This little guy may have just saved my (in)sanity right now. I have been housebound for three days straight due to an Arctic wind outflow and unplowed roads. Sidewalks are NOT shovelled off, and I cannot go out by myself. I am going stir fry crazy!
    On top of that, I just found out yesterday that my “nephew” love bird Cricket’s owners accepted an offer for their place, and will be moving in two weeks. My heart is broken. And I am going to miss his owners even more.
    Hugs to all animals.

    • Murray C. January 3, 2017 / 12:58 pm

      Egad, that’s rough – change is hard. We love out neighbors and are not looking to the time when either of us moves away. Good luck with the weather – I hope you are freed from your snowy bondage soon.

      • Birdcage January 3, 2017 / 2:03 pm

        My brother-in-law has owned the house beside me for the past 18 months (he’s been renovating a formerly run-down place for eventual sale at a profit). Well, he’s done the work now and the for-sale sign has gone up and I’m more sad than I could have imagined: it’s been nice having family next door (even though he hasn’t exactly been living there like a true neighbour). Change IS hard.

  5. Emsthemonster January 3, 2017 / 1:38 pm

    What a sweet purring kitten 🙂

  6. Alice Shortcake January 3, 2017 / 1:44 pm

    AWWWWWW! Things like this would give me Feline Withdrawal Syndrome if they weren’t so darn cute. I lost my old cat Daisy last August and miss her terribly, but for various reasons I’ve decided not to get any more pets.

    • Emsthemonster January 3, 2017 / 2:34 pm

      I remember that, it was when we also lost our cat 🙁

  7. allein ? January 3, 2017 / 2:05 pm

    I wish I could just play the audio on a loop. Maybe it would keep me calm while I work.

    • Juno January 3, 2017 / 4:24 pm

      There used to be (maybe still is??) a web site that consisted solely of a sound file of a big loud cat purr. It was great.

      Check this out, Allein. Not a loop, but a good three hours!

      • allein ? January 3, 2017 / 4:44 pm

        I might have that site bookmarked, actually…

        No youtubes at work 🙁

  8. Faye January 3, 2017 / 3:15 pm

    They suck you in right out of the womb. Prearmmed and dangerous. Is that what they mean as kilt them ded with cute evolutionary instincts?

  9. Juno January 3, 2017 / 4:28 pm

    YES!! This little kitty demonstrates the rapid tick-tick-tick of a kitty just learning to purr (actually, it sounds like this one’s been at it at least a couple days) that I mentioned here a couple weeks (?) ago.

    • Emsthemonster January 4, 2017 / 12:31 pm

      Yes, you explained to me how baby kittens purr and now we have a cute illustration of it 🙂

  10. Clairdelune January 4, 2017 / 12:14 pm

    Melting time!!! What a sweet little furball. A kitty’s purr is the most soothing sound ever – no need for alcoholic drinks or anything else, I just wait for kitty to jump on my lap and rev up her purring engine, and the world is OK – I can even forget the disastrous elections for awhile. 🙂

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