Y’should have been here in ’49 — “The Great Carrot Rush” is what they called it, and what a time it was! Bunnies was a-flocking in from all over, tryin’a stake their claim and git theyselves rich! Heh, most of’em went home broke with nothing but a handful of baby carrots each, but I myself unearthed a carrot a good six feet tall and as big around as one’o them See-quoy-as. Was gonna drag it down to the assay office, but I worked up such an appetite digging it up I just ate it on the spot.
Freggel looking back, by jpockele, licensed under CC BY 2.0
Betcha there were some nuggets produced. A bit less valuable than thar those orange ones though. Yup.
What a funny bunny.
This bunneh does resemble an ole 49 ‘er, with some disapproval, to add. A unique, colored Lionhead mix, I believe. A clever tale NTMTOM, as usual. How does one have such an imagination– a special talent, for sure. Thanks for sharing it, it brightens our day.
Tarnation, that thar’s the darned cutest rabbit these ol’ eyes ever laid eyes on. ‘m guessing’ he sounds a lot like Walter Brennan.
Well diggity-darn-dag-nabbit, that’s a great voice for a rabbit!
I think ol’ bun here is prone to exaggeratin’…
He tells “tall tails” now and then.
A classic NTMTOM scrolldown. I always have to stop myself from rushing to see the punchline… 😀
I didn’t get the scrolldown cuz I accidentally saw the picture on Facebook first. Oh well.
I got here in ’50 and I look a lot like The Old Prospector!
Eryup, same here.
I saw this picture, and the first thing that came to mind was the rabbits from ‘Lord of the Rings’!
The imagination on ya, Mike! What a gift.
This is a Hall of Famer Post from NOMTOM Fer sure!!!!!
Talk about ear floof!
I have never seen such an odd looking bunny.Not odd in a bad way,but in a”rethinking getting a pet rabbit if I can get a cool looking little guy like this” kind of way.
Muttonchops like those deserve a full-on 19th century outfit complete with cloak, waistcoat, crevat, and pocketwatch. But not pants, because that would just look silly on a rabbit.
Perhaps a little pair of spats, though…gotta complete the look! 😀
Yes – he would’ve done well in Wonderland, I wager. (oooh, listen to the sound of my native woodnotes wild – Would, Well, Wonderland, Wager! ref. to My Fair Lady – Alfred P. Doolittle)
I think more of a turn of the century industrialist.Cornelius Vander-bun?Carrot magnate?
How about Rabbit E. Lee?