Links: In Drawers? I Thought You Said He Slept Indoors!

And finally: H & R Blockhead

Got your taxes started yet? That deadline is creeping up faster than you think, although not as fast as this cat about to spring a surprise audit. (via Sharon H.)

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14 thoughts on “Links: In Drawers? I Thought You Said He Slept Indoors!

  1. allein ? March 1, 2017 / 9:03 am

    Winking dancing polar bear?
    Freaky wombat feet?
    Second Jacob’s Ladder joke in the past week?
    Puppies with selfie ears!

    Too much and I haven’t even watched the video.

    (Poor Ora the kitty made me sad. At that age I was thinking her person maybe passed away or just couldn’t take care of her, but it sounds like they just didn’t want to deal with her in her old age. 🙁 People suck.)

    • Lucy's Mom March 1, 2017 / 10:31 am

      I hope that whoever abandoned that 23 year old kitty rots in hell. And sooner rather than later.

      As for the wombat… Too. Stinkin’. Adorable!!!

    • Patty March 1, 2017 / 7:37 pm

      That kitty resembles my Muffy, who died at the age of 24. In the last year she could no longer find the litter box, and mostly hung out on the dining room table. We didn’t use the table to eat, so I put puppy pads on it, and her food and water bowls. She got lots of snuggles, because what else did she have, besides love? I just knew I would wake up one day to find her dead, considering her age. One of my kids said something about having her euthanized, and I made sure to let them know I was more than happy to make her comfortable and loved until the end. I can’t imagine just dropping her off at the Animal Shelter and leaving her to die with people she didn’t know. Her mother was my husband’s cat, and I’d had her since birth. She still holds her place as my gravatar.

      • Mariana March 2, 2017 / 1:48 pm

        your comment made me tear up. I love all animals and have loved all my cats and dogs but some were/are just special. even when they become old and ill they are still our babies and we can never trully let go.

  2. Emmberrann March 1, 2017 / 9:11 am

    Wombat Wednesday!

  3. fkaWaldenPond March 1, 2017 / 10:13 am

    I love the audit; got a giggle out of me! Yesterday was the last day to contribute to rrsp’s for 2016 so with that done taxes will be filed this weekend… sigh.

  4. Emsthemonster March 1, 2017 / 11:32 am

    This has been the best collection of links so far.
    The 23 year-old cat is still a feline beauty.
    Pup with a selfie on the ear looks great. Iam happy it is not me who has a selfie on the ear though, I would always need to wear my hair loose.

  5. warrior rabbit March 1, 2017 / 12:34 pm

    Who gives up a cat/pet they’ve had for 23 years?! I had thought maybe the owner had died, but no. Asshole!

    The video has me cackling out loud. My cat is looking at me curiously.

    Okay, never mind, she just wanted me to lift the covers for her.

  6. Duckie ? March 1, 2017 / 2:13 pm

    I didn’t realize I had the volume turned up when I watched the a-tax cat. Nearly spilled my tea when the guy yelled in protest, and the bleeped out part nearly deafened me!

  7. N. Fritz March 1, 2017 / 2:20 pm

    I once worked for that tax preparation service… just another day at the office!

  8. tara March 1, 2017 / 4:50 pm

    Wombat Wednesday!! Wheeeeeeee! My day is made. sigh. Happy for Kenny – so cute. Were wombats in that list of animals we all wanted a few days ago?

    Re: the 23-year-old cat. How sad. So awful. And I am not at all trying to defend anyone who could do that to a 23-year-old cat! (May my babies live so long!!!!!!) But in trying to understand why anyone would do such a cruel thing, the only thing I could come up with is that perhaps the owner believed her health problems (not urinating in the litter box) were going to be expensive to fix, possibly couldn’t afford the bills (legitimately) and therefore also couldn’t afford to put her to sleep? Obviously misguided – but that’s all I got. Still – I hope they feel extremely guilty. I’m so glad that the Young at Heart group exists!

  9. Smartypants March 1, 2017 / 5:19 pm

    The cat-ladder article is great – it’s that Turkish cat culture again! I love how she put decorative potted flowers to placate her neighbors, then found that they all supported the idea.

  10. warrior rabbit March 1, 2017 / 5:58 pm

    Also, the stray cats in Turkey are more amenable to being picked up and held than my own indoor-only cat. My cat likes to sit on/near me, but is adamant about not being picked up. Or hugged. (Get your giant head away from me, hoomin!)

  11. George Michael Sherry March 2, 2017 / 5:04 am

    About the cat ladder — I didn’t see a cat door. She has to leave the window open (not very FAR open, probably, considering the tight spaces cats [being mostly fur] can squeeze through) during an especially cold winter to help out the kitties? I’m glad I don’t have to pay her heating bill.

    About the cat audit — do we figure the fellow just moved into the apartment, that’s why there are so many boxes around? But can anyone figure out what’s up with the box from which the cat makes its leap? It’s set up like a table — at first I thought it WAS a table (and was befuddled by the printing on a tabletop), till I noticed all the other boxes — but I can’t read what’s printed on top. What would come in a box that size and shape?

    And about the elderly cat, while I might not wish quite as high a temperature on the former owner as some others, I agree I’m appalled. Put the cat down or take care of it, but don’t just hand it over to someone else and make it their problem. I hoped maybe the owner was in about the same condition as the cat and was not capable of caring for it anymore, but that’s not how it sounds. I hope that person never owns another animal. They don’t have the heart for it.

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