And so, Goodwife Abigail Chadderton, having been found guilty by this court of consort with demonic spirits, general licentiousness and debauchery, and bringing bad luck to our village by constantly crossing peoples’ paths, this court hereby sentences you to be locked in the stocks in the town square, where all may jeer and pelt you with rotten groceries.
Via Imgur.
No throwy da fishy?
Apparantly that’s how he likes to sit in his favorite chair:
Beautiful glossy fur. Whatta pretty kitty.
Crucible Cat!
Hester Purrnne?
The Sadder But Wiser Cat for Me!
He looks like he’s working with a dangerous chemical enclosure, the kind with those glove portholes that hang down when not in use like cow udders that someone let the air out of.
Lol yes, doing research on toxoplasma gondii perhaps? Exhausting work by the looks of it.
Stumbled across a Dodo article with more information about this cat: